You know that happy feeling? When everything clicks and you know you're on the right path? I had it this weekend.
A few days ago, this flyer appeared on the door of our "new" house.
A few days ago, this flyer appeared on the door of our "new" house.

Since some of the reasons we're moving are to be in a neighborhood that is more interested in, you know, BEING a neighborhood, and also being able to engage in some small type of urban farming, I made up my mind right away that we were going, even though we haven't officially moved yet!
The event was held at the property of a lovely man named Vincent. Vincent moved to the neighborhood about 11 years ago, and is essentially as happy as a pig in a pile of mud. He has a horse. He has gardens. He has a chicken coop as a special project for himself and his granddaughter.
The horse was a jumper in his younger days, and is now living a peaceful retirement as a companion for Vincent and his granddaughter.
Then a lovely Welsh gentleman named Geoff Thomas gave a talk on sustainable gardening, good gardening practices, and other stuff. I wish I could have heard more of it, but I was off chasing my curious 3 year old around Vincent's property.
Now I have a new resource for horse manure and fresh laid eggs. And Starbucks is still just down the road. :)
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