Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Kitchen pictures!

Drumroll please, it's the moment you've all been waiting for... pictures of the kitchen in my "new" house!

Oh. Ahem.

Ok, so just to be clear - there is a part of me that does not hate this kitchen. There is a part of me that thinks it's kind of cute...that the color on the cabinets is actually very pleasing, and that the wallpaper border complements the whole thing.

It's a bistro! In Paris!

There is nothing wrong, per se, with this kitchen. It is functional. Nothing is falling apart. And if my life had taken a different path, I could probably live and work happily in this kitchen for a long time.


I have 3 kids. I am a compulsive cake maker who is about to have a legal home cake decorating business. And I never met a kitchen gadget I didn't buy. So, the green Paris bistro kitchen must bid us adieu in order to make way for the new, enlarged, improved kitchen of my dreams.

Here's one thing that won't be changing, though; the French doors leading onto the ginormous screened porch.


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